About Alex Smithson

Hello, my name is Alex Smithson and I love to write and publish articles for Mother Nature. I also love experimenting with new designs for this website by using the live preview that WordPress provides, so that I can see how my website will render in different browsers, for instance, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Vivaldi and many other various internet browsers that are widely known all across the whole of the internet.

As I have a passion for technology, I always take to the internet to find out the latest details of products that have been announced, or are possibly rumoured to be announced at certain media events.

I also have a massive passion for photography, and as the Nikon D3300 DSLR I use is always going on journeys with me wherever I choose to go, this gives me an endless amount of opportunities to take photos that are my own, and to also take photographs for certain articles that I create and publish, to make sure that every article is interesting, comfortable and easy to read.

I do, on the very rare occasion, create videos that I can upload to YouTube, though I always make sure to stick to what I’m good at professional-wise, and that is committing more to this website, as well as committing more to developing my photography skills.

For almost every article that I have written and published on Mother Nature, I like to make sure that I can pin relevant website links to some or most of the articles that I publish, so that there is more of a chance of the article I publish being relevant to the situation or topic I’m talking about, but also at the same time, relevant to the related articles I have pinned for everyone’s further interests.

As I like to take my time putting together the articles I want to publish, I love to listen to music, as this helps me to keep myself occupied whilst I prepare to publish any articles that are near completion or have already been completed.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I bet that you’ll look forward to reading the articles that I’ll publish regularly on Mother Nature.

Alex Smithson


  1. Thank you for following my blog; you are very kind. Let me invite you to check out my latest psot, “HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS MISSING – WHERE ARE THEY?” Please have a blessed day.


  2. Thank you for following my “Moments, Memories, & Jazz” blog, Alex. I have to admit I am terrified of clicking around in your blog after reading that you are an Eastenders fan. I cannot risk seeing any spoilers! That will make me crazy! Here in the US we are about 9 years behind you in the story-line (Krissy was recently pushed into Den’s open grave by Peggy – that ois how far back we are.) But I did like your photos of Spring and your writing style. Best wishes to you! Laurie http://laurieearly.com/


    1. 9 years!?! Wow, I’d best be careful not to spoil anything you haven’t seen, after all, I wouldn’t want to cause a frenzy :-).

      I think I remember that scene quite well, Krissy deserved every bit of hell she got, though Tracy-Ann Oberman played the part of Krissy well :-).

      Thanks for the compliments on my photos and my writing style Laurie, I really appreciated it :-).

      Alex Smithson

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello, this is the Bearded Hermit! In case you weren’t able to find my new site, I wanted to let you know that it is up and running. Find it here at: http://beardedhermit.com/
    If you haven’t been receiving email notifications of my posts, please resubscribe.


    1. You’re very welcome, and thanks so much for following and dropping by Mother Nature Bob, I really appreciated it. I created that quote entirely by myself as I wanted to be original, and because it didn’t just feel personal to me, but how I think everyone would feel in that quote. For me, I would rather make a mistake or some mistakes now, and find ways to fix them, so that the mistake I make is fixed and helps me to become better at something :-).

      Alex Smithson

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Tony, welcome to Mother Nature, thanks so much for the kind compliment, I really appreciate it.

      I’ve got a lot of stuff in store to offer, and with my third book coming out soon, there is a lot in store that the third book will offer, so I bet you’ll be more than delighted with the content that I’ve created.

      Again, welcome to Mother Nature Tony :-)!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Hi Alex, thank you for your ‘follow’ on my blog. Your energy and enthusiasm is clearly obvious and I love your two quotes at top of page.
    Good luck with your projects.


  5. Thanks very much for following The Immortal Jukebox. I hope you will enjoy lots of entertaining writing and the wide variety of music. I usually post once a week. Please feel free to add comments. If it’s been a while since you visited come on over and see what’s new! Good luck with your blog. Regards Thom.


    1. You’re very welcome, and thanks so much Kat for following Mother Nature, I really appreciate it. My apologies if I was unable to respond to your comment, I’ve been battling an ear infection following my diagnosis from the doctors on Tuesday, but again, thanks for the follow, it means a lot :-).

      Alex Smithson

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Alex. Thanks for following my blog. As you will have seen I only started this week – although I write a lot of content professionally this is my first foray into something more personal. Fingers crossed it proves successful and people find what I write helpful and interesting.


    1. Hello Karen,

      You’re very welcome, and it’s perfectly normal to take your blog into something that is more personal to you, and I believe that your blog will prove to be successful to everyone. Please feel free to look at my website anytime for inspiration, I believe my website will offer you so much of ideas, including anything that may peak your interest.

      Alex Smithson


  7. Thank you Alex for following Retired No one told me….You are brave for venturing into my world…I hope you enjoy the chattering of a whimsical English lady in Thailand..lol…Love your colour scheme black with a touch of purple 🙂


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