The Beauty in Everything.

There’s a beauty in everything.

The wonderful weather sets the mood perfectly, Summer’s fast approaching, and I cannot quite help but feel there’s a beauty in how we see everything blossom in day to day life.

I’m so fascinated by the history of any of the places I previously visited, including the history of Croydon’s buildings, how they came about and why they were built.

Still, there’s a purpose, the beautification of how these buildings look as good as they intend to be.

There is a beauty in everything, it’s how we see it in our own eyes that truly matters.

Aaaah, I love Summer!

Alex Smithson

Device Used: iPhone 7 Plus
Apps Used: Apple Camera (Pre-Installed), Apple Photos (Pre-Installed) & Instagram (Free)
ISO Speed: ISO-20
F-Stop: f/1.8
Focal Length: 4 mm

Filter Used: Noir (Apple Photos)
Highlights: -100 (Apple Photos)
Shadows: -100 (Apple Photos)
Contrast: +100 (Apple Photos)
Brightness: -50 (Apple Photos)
Vignette: +100 (Apple Photos)
Brightness: -25 (Instagram)
Vignette: +100 (Instagram)

Date of Photograph Produced: Friday 22nd May 2020

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